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Rush United Methodist Church
A Special Church Conference was called and held on May 1, 2022. It approved the following motion (unanimous with the exception of one abstention), made by Cindy Gray, Chairperson of the Board of Trustees:
“I so move the authorization for the Finance Committee to raise sufficient capital funds, and for the Board of Trustees to expend such funds, up to, but not exceeding $500,000, for the following necessary capital improvements:
Repair drainage issue: improve drainage and/or lower the grade along the west side classrooms
Purchase and installation of electronic sign (PromiseLand would put up to 1/3 of the cost)
Flooring replacement: entryway and lobby
Repair and stain exterior of church building
Reupholster “sanctuary” chairs
Parking lot and driveway renovation: will include repair of drainage issues, grading, paving, sealing, and striping
Upgrade Wi-Fi
Air Conditioner units in 5 upstairs classrooms (Funded by PromiseLand Childcare)
Purchase new furniture and upgrades for classrooms (tables, chairs, book and toy shelves) as well as new supplies (Funded by PromiseLand Childcare)
Purchase and install new toddler playground structure, increase square footage in toddler playground, purchase and install smaller structure for large, mulched area. Replace fence. (Funded by PromiseLand Childcare)
The Board of Trustees are further authorized to prioritize these capital improvements according to the best interest of the congregation.”
Michelle Prok, Chairperson, Finance Committee: Kickoff Witness
Kellianne Williams, Week #2 Witness Video
Louise Miller, Week #3 Witness Video
Buzz and Joan Grimm, Week #4 Witness Video
Make your safe, secure contribution to the Capital Stewardship Campaign, designating your gift under "other" at:
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